
Wednesday 3 August 2011

benefits of roselle

The roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is a species of Hibiscus native to the Old World tropics, used for the production of bast fibre and as an infusion. It is an annual or perennial herb or woody-based subshrub, growing to 2–2.5 m (7–8 ft) tall. The leaves are deeply three- to five-lobed, 8–15 cm (3–6 in) long, arranged alternately on the stems.

The roselle is known as the rosella or rosella fruit in Australia. Its close relative, Hibiscus cannabinus is also known as meśta/meshta on the Indian subcontinent, Tengamora among assamese and "mwitha" among no tribals in Assam, Gongura in Telugu, Pundi in Kannada, LalChatni or Kutrum in Mithila] Mathipuli in Kerala, chin baung in Burma, KraJiabDaeng in Thailand, som phor dee in Lao PDR, bissap in Senegal, Guinea Bissau, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Benin and Niger, the Congo and France, dah or dah bleni in other parts of Mali, wonjo in the Gambia, zobo in western Nigeria (the Yorubas in Nigeria call the white variety Isapa (pronounced Ishapa)), Zoborodo in Northern Nigeria, Chaye-Torosh in Iran, karkade (Arabic pronunciation: [ˈkarkade])[dubious ] in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan, omutete in Namibia, sorrel in the Caribbean and in Latin America, Flor de Jamaica in Mexico, Saril in Panama, rosela in Indonesia, asam paya or asam susur in Malaysia. In Chinese it is (Luo Shen Hua) . In Zambia the plant is called lumanda in ciBemba, katolo in kiKaonde, or wusi in chiLunda. In certain West Indian islands, Grenada, for example, it is called Sorrel.

Activity with a very solid, certainly sports only a dream for the workers. Sports a very minimal performed can lead to various kinds of things that certainly is negative. Obesity problem from the start until the emergence of diseases that kill. The last few years has found a flower called rosella flowers, some of the research found that rosella flowers provide a huge benefit to health. Rosella red disease can prevent cancer and inflammation, to control blood pressure, smooth blood circulation, expedite defecate and can even lose weight. Roselle trees grow from seeds with a height that can reach 3 - 5 meters and remove the flower almost all year round. Roselle bright colored flowers, flower dark red and thicker compared with hibiscus / shoes. Roselle flower part that can be processed into food sheath is the interest rates that have a very sour taste. Sheath it can be processed into various types of food such as drinks, jelly, sauce, dust (tea) or candied Roselle. Roselle young leaves can also be eaten as a side dish or salad. Meanwhile in Africa, Roselle seeds eaten as a trusted contain oil. In Sudan, Roselle processed into traditional drink called Karkadeh and is the national drink, the Sudan. Roselle is a kind of tree that is easily planted perdu. How to plant the seeds with a dry and harvest. Roselle widely used for making juice, saos, syrup, and also as a coloring material on the food. Extracts of flowers bud was able to function as antispasmodik (storm spasm), antihelmintik (anti-worm) and anti-bacteria. In addition rosella was able to decrease the rate of absorption of alcohol. Leaf herb plants, this can also be used to treat wounds, skin disease and insect bites.

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